INVISIBLES, el cortometraje
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Montse Alcalà, Francisco Urtiaga, Sergi Albert, Noemí Castiñeira, Anastasia Boriesa, Dadoude Keita, Frederic Tomás, Josep Antoni Lej, Rubén Gavilán, Marc fábregas, Patricia Sahadeo, Mia Patricia
Idea Original y Dirigido Por:
Xavier Cruzado
Ajani es sólo uno más entre los miles de niños huérfanos y olvidados que cada día mueren por culpa de la codicia y la indiferencia de un Primer Mundo que no tiene tiempo de pensar en ellos. En plena crisis de fe, un sacerdote y médico cooperante decide cambiar las cosas y tomar cartas en el asunto. Su primer objetivo, Helena Gabarró, una brillante y ambiciosa abogada con la que forzará un tenso y dramático encuentro cargado de intriga en el que jugará con sus debilidades hasta el límite.
Ajani is only one more among the thousands of orphans and neglected children who die every day because of the greed and indifference of a first world that has no time to think about them. During a crisis of faith, a volunteer priest and doctor decide to do something about it and take action on the matter. His first goal, Helena Gabarró, a brilliant and ambitious lawyer. Our volunteer sets out to win her over by exploiting her weeknesses in a dramatic encounter.
Ajani is only one more among the thousands of orphans and neglected children who die every day because of the greed and indifference of a first world that has no time to think about them. During a crisis of faith, a volunteer priest and doctor decide to do something about it and take action on the matter. His first goal, Helena Gabarró, a brilliant and ambitious lawyer. Our volunteer sets out to win her over by exploiting her weeknesses in a dramatic encounter.
20 min. de cortometraje basado en hechos reales.
20 min. of a short film based on a true story.
20 min. of a short film based on a true story.
Guión cinematográfico de:
Xavier Cruzado, Rosa Cabrera
Producido por:
Productor Ejecutivo:
Xavier Cruzado
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